1. ACCEPTANCE: The manufacture, sale, shipment, and delivery of goods will be subject only to and governed exclusively by the terms and conditions set forth herein. THE ACCEPTANCE OF ANY OFFER MADE BY THE BUYER IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. Seller has read and understands these terms and conditions which are expressly incorporated into Buyer’s order. Seller’s written acknowledgment of this order, commencement of any work or service, or delivery of any goods shall constitute Seller’s unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions only. ANY ACCEPTANCE BY THE BUYER OF AN OFFER MADE BY THE SELLER IS MADE EXPRESSLY CONDITIONAL UPON THE SELLER’S ASSET TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Any additional or differing terms and conditions contained on any documents prepared or submitted by seller, including but not limited to any quote, acknowledgment, receipt, or other document are unacceptable to Buyer, are expressly rejected by Buyer, and shall not become a part of this order.
2. FBMT may, by written notice, make changes to any one or more of the following a) specifications for services or goods b) quantity or c) place of performance
3. Seller will advise FBMT of any delay in performance including items subject to backorder
4. Goods or services are subject to inspection and acceptance by FBMT
5. RIGHT OF ACCESS: The buyer, its’ customers and regulatory authorities shall have a right of access to all facilities involved in the order and all applicable quality records.
6. The supplier is to flow down to sub-tier suppliers the applicable requirements in the purchasing documents, including key characteristics where specified. Supplier is to retain records no less than 50 years after last purchase. The records must be made available, or copies furnished upon request.
7. Supplier must provide full visibility of their supply chain and report when significant change in process occurs. Significant change includes, without limitation, changes in manufacturing location, process, design, or sub-supplier material source changes.
8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This order, together with the attachments, exhibits, or supplements, specifically referenced in this order, constitutes the entire agreement between Seller and Buyer with respect to the matter contained herein and supersedes all prior oral and written representations and agreements. This order may only be modified by a purchase order amendment/alteration issued by the Buyer.
9. Calibration Company Only: If this purchase order is for calibration, calibration must be in scope.
1. Franklin Brazing requires that all Approved Suppliers must hold an ISO 9001 certification (at a minimum) with a plan to become registered to IATF 16949 (if applicable) through an accredited third party. This requirement does not apply to AS9100 vendors who are not required to be ISO 9001 certified.
2. Registered suppliers are required to submit copies of all certificates and renewals to Franklin Brazing. Suppliers are also required to notify Franklin Brazing if certification is lost, or the Supplier is placed on containment/suspension.
3. Commercial considerations: Suppliers must be competitive and demonstrate value. Commercial issues must be addressed and resolved expeditiously.
4. Inspection: Seller agrees that Buyer shall have the right to enter Seller’s facility at reasonable time to inspect the facility, goods, materials and any property of Buyer, covered by this order. The buyer’s inspection of the goods whether during manufacture, prior to delivery or within a reasonable time after delivery, shall not constitute acceptance of any work-in-process or finished goods.
5. Suppliers must behave ethically towards their customers, suppliers, competitors, employees, and other interested parties. Suppliers are strongly encouraged to train and communicate the importance of ethical behavior to employees.
6. Supplier must implement and control processes appropriate to the organization and product, for the prevention of counterfeit or suspected counterfeit material being used in the product and their inclusion in any material shipped to Franklin Brazing. Material certifications for direct materials are required prior to material being used in production. *For paste and/or preform suppliers must supply a conflict mineral statement, upon request.
7. Suppliers are required to ensure that people are aware of their contribution to product safety and to product or service conformity.
2025 McKinley Boulevard Lebanon, OH 45036-8075